Replace a part of the string in Jmeter

 There will be instances where we will have to replace a part of the correlation string and pass it on to subsequent request in Jmeter. This can be achieved in 2 methods. 

Actual Correlation Output: C_SID = Hello&#x2dWorld

Expected Correlation Output: C_SID_R = Hello-World

Method 1: Using the existing "__strReplace" function from "Custom JMeter Functions" Plugin.

Install the "Custom JMeter Functions" Plugin from plugins manager and restart the Jmeter.

Syntax: ${__strReplace(InputString,To Be Replaced,To Replace,OutputString)

Code : ${__strReplace(${C_SID},&#x2d,-,C_SID_R)

Method 2: Using a Beanshell sampler


String a = vars.get("C_SID");

String b = a.replaceAll("&#x2d", "-");
