How to find the Outlook profile to use it in Loadrunner MAPI protocol?

Loadrunner MAPI protocol allows us to work with our Outlook mail box. MAPI protocol needs our Outlook profile name to access our mail box.

You can find your Outlook profile name in

Goto Control Panel --> Search mail and click Mail (32-bit) --> Click Show Profiles under Profiles

and you can find the profile name. In the screenshot profile name is "Outlook".

You can see that above profile name is used in the MAPI Logon function below.

How to execute VB script in Loadrunner Http/Html Protocol?

VB scripts cannot be executed directly from vugen. So what we will be doing is, we will be launching the vb script from a batch file and that batch file will be called from the loadrunner.
Its like executing the vb script from command line.

Step 1: Creating a Batch file

Open a notepad and paste the below command to call the vb script and save the notepad as .bat (batch) file.

Step 2: Creating a Loadrunner Web Script

Below is the loadrunner script to execute the batch file.